
International Student Accommodation Experience

CX Strategy
International Student Accommodation Experience

project overview

Scape a world class international student accommodation provider expanded their Australian footprint and set out to embed their unique value proposition in every aspect of the student experience.
business model
Insights, Vision, Current and Future Journey Mapping, Visualised Concepts

the design challenge

To unearth what truly matters to students and infuse that with the Scape brand to create living and learning experiences that felt both premium and personal.
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the solution

An international approach was adopted to ensure we understood the target markets needs of both the students and their parents. We also partnered with That Thing a leading UK brand studio to immerse ourselves in the Scape brand.

We deeply believe in co-creation, and involved students and stakeholders every step of the way. From interviews, ideation sessions to iterative reviews of visual concepts, we made sure everyone had a seat at the table. We employed journey mapping and Miro collaboration tools for real-time, distributed ideation so International staff and students could participate.

Inspiration was sourced from diverse industries to ensure every aspect of the journey was thoughtfully considered. What guided us at each step was a value proposition that was deeply tied to student and parents needs.

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the impact

A carefully crated experience that provides a sanctuary for students and reassures their parents. This value proposition didn’t just look good on paper, it was backed by tangible proof points and a game plan to bring it to life. Scape today is fully booked, and continues to evolve the brand and experiences in exciting and never before seen ways.

client feedback

"Love your work."
Anouk Darling Scape
Chief Executive Officer